Volume 33 Issue 01 - 12 February 2021

Term 1 Sport

Welcome back to what should be another great year in the area of sport at the College in 2021. Although we seem to be over the worst of the COVID situation, it is obviously a very dynamic situation and we are continuing to stay vigilant in our planning and organisation as we navigate these uncertain times. With that in mind, it looks as though sport at a MISA, Diocesan and NWSCCC level will proceed as normal, however, there will obviously be some minor changes in the processes and procedures.

Image courtesy of Joshua Combes - eLearning Coordinator

College Activities Program
Our activities program commenced on 2 February with a flurry of physical activity and excitement. The College has engaged the services of a number of new facilitators at the request of the student body and most notable is very challenging (and very high) mobile rock climbing wall. Also running during 2021 are a number of specialty groups including a Cheer program for students in Years 8 – 11, an outdoor education program for students in Year 8 as well as a Pax program that focuses on student wellbeing.

Our trial process for the Term 1 MISA teams is well underway and the competition starts on 16 February. Term 1 MISA sports include Indoor Cricket, Volleyball, Hockey, Oz Tag and Basketball. Information regarding MISA can be found at https://www.misaonline.org.au/

Wollongong Diocesan Sport
Wollongong Diocesan sport kicks off with the Diocesan Tennis on 18 February followed by the Diocesan Touch on 1 March and Diocesan Swimming on 12 March. Trials for these teams will begin very soon and will be run during lunchtimes. We also have our Year 9 PASS class supporting the Western Region Catholic Primary Schools by acting as officials at their selection swimming carnival. Information regarding Wollongong Diocesan sport can be found at https://www.dow.catholic.edu.au/sport/

NSWCCC sport registrations have opened for a number of Term 1 sports and this provides the pathway for our elite athletes. Registrations for these selection trials are done online and all students have been emailed information on the process. It is important that students and parents are aware of the requirements to register for these teams as well as the closing dates for each sport. The link to Catholic Schools NSW Sport website is https://csnsw.sport/

College Sports Council
Under the leadership of College Sports Captain Hannah Price, the Sports Council is under way and looking to introduce a range of new initiatives throughout the year. The Sports Council is open to all students Years 7 – 12 that have an interest in developing the sports and activities program at the College.

Scott Ashcroft - Sports and Activities Coordinator