Volume 36 Issue 5 - 10 April 2024

NSW Tonga Netball Representative

We would like to congratulate Mahlia L, Year 10, on her selection to the NSW Tonga 15's Netball Team. This selection has not only included specific netball fitness and skills training, but also nutrition advice, Tongan language classes and cultural dance.

The NSW Tonga Netball Association was established in 2022 and is the peak sporting body for netball in the Tongan community.

The purpose of the Association is to improve the accessibility of netball for all Tongans in NSW regardless of age, ability or background and working with PacificAus Sports, Netball Australia, will support netball organisations in Tonga, Fiji, Samoa and Papua New Guinea.

The NSW Tonga Netball Teams include, 12's, 14's, 15's, 17's and 23's. They will go on to complete in the Mo'onia Gerrard Cup being held on ANZAC Day, 25th April and then on to the Pacifica Nations Tournament which will be held before the end of 2024.

Michelle Lemeki - Aboriginal Education Support