Volume 35 Issue 16 - 16 November 2023

2023 Peace Day

On Thursday 2nd November, ten of our year 10 students were invited to celebrate 2023’s Peace Day alongside Mrs Wilson at Cabramatta High School.

Iranian actress and activist Nazanin Boniadi, recipient of the Sydney Peace Prize, was present at this event and gave a compelling speech on her ongoing commitment to advancing women’s rights in Iran, uniting us together in hope for global peace. With Cabramatta being an immensely diverse high school with such a driven student body, it was a wonderful opportunity for its students to showcase their diversity, multiculturalism and harmony to the young students from varying schools attending this inspiring event. Nazanin has been encouraging the younger generation to raise their voices about global human rights issues and work towards a more peaceful and just world, and it was enriching for our students to be part of this invigorating experience. The day featured an array of cultural performances from Cabramatta High School’s students, a diverse cultural parade, and the captivating release of 100 doves to conclude the day. Our students who attended this event were grateful for such a unique opportunity, stating that they were “inspired to raise their voices” and were liberated to be told, in Nazanin’s words, “They not only are the future, they are today's leaders."

Angelea V - Year 10