Volume 35 Issue 13 - 14 September 2023

Victor Chang School Science Awards

Established in 2004 in honour of pioneering cardiac surgeon, Dr Victor Chang, the Victor Chang School Science Awards celebrate gifted students, and stimulate growth in science, technology, engineering and mathematics (STEM) subjects. 

The School Science Awards foster and encourage an interest in Science among secondary school students, with the goal of promoting careers in STEM as a viable and interesting career path. The awards are targeted at students in Year 11 from local schools who demonstrate a tenacity and commitment to their Science studies. This year, Jorja Gand Alissa Pwere nominated for their outstanding effort and achievement in Biology in the Macarthur region.

The awards evening was held at Campbelltown Arts Centre and began with a presentation by Dr Monique Bax, a scientist working at the Victor Chang Cardiac Research Institute. Dr Bax outlined her research into spontaneous coronary artery dissection (SCAD), a type of heart attack that predominantly affects women. Following her presentation, both Jorja and Alissa were presented with a certificate and were then given the opportunity to speak to Dr Bax about her work and experience as a scientist. 

We celebrate and acknowledge the accomplishment of all recipients of the 2023 Victor Chang School Science Awards, as these students are role models who exemplify the qualities of determination, resilience, and a passion for learning.

Congratulations Jorja and Alissa!

Elizabeth Parsons - Science Coordinator