Volume 35 Issue 06 - 18 May 2023

Year 12 Retreat - 'I am loved'

In week three of term 2, Year 12 all went to Stanwell Tops for a three day retreat. Having been on two previous retreats, when we arrived it was not what we expected at all. We were welcomed with a blessing and then spent the next three days in song, reflection in small and large groups about our years as a school community together, contemplation and forgiveness. We all were given a statement ‘I am Loved’ and spent our time there unpacking it to the best of our abilities and learning from each other in uncovering its meaning. 

Many activities that we participated in included writing each other affirmations, one on one interviews with another student which caused us all to be vulnerable and connect with each other on a new level. We also participated in numerous ice breaker activities that always made us laugh, even though we have already been together for 6 years, it was at this retreat that we all got closer then we have ever been.

Our second day we were blessed with a visit from Father James, a newly ordained young priest who offered us his own insight into reconciliation and what his meaning of I am loved is. We were all offered the chance to receive the sacrament of reconciliation or a blessing or just a chat with Father James. We were also given the chance to walk around the room and shake hands or hug people who we sought forgiveness from, from year 7 through to now. It was one of the most heartwarming moments from all of high school, where we all saw many friendships healed or forgiven. 

For all of us in year 12 this retreat nourished us spiritually as it allowed us to reconcile within ourselves and others, it allowed us to draw closer to God and to reflect within ourselves that we are all loved. Year 12 loved our retreat and it was made even more special as it is our last one at the College.

Cara McMahon - Benedict Captain