Volume 35 Issue 06 - 18 May 2023

Aboriginal Education Opportunity Hub Careers Expo

Aboriginal students from years 9-12, were given the opportunity to attend the Opportunity Hub Careers Expo.

MTC Opportunity Hub provides Aboriginal young people with the skills, confidence and support necessary to successfully transition from secondary school into further education or work. They can also connect students with employers, educational institutions and employment providers.

Students were given an array of information from various departments such as the NSW Police Force, The Australian Army, Sydney Zoo, Energy Australia and many more. They thoroughly enjoyed the day. I want the thank Millie, Kaleena, Merinda (Year 12), Tamika (Year 11), Charlotte, Beth, Olivia, Latiah (Year 10), Mahlia and Charlize (Year 9) for being respectful, engaged, and perfect representatives for the College.

If you wish to learn more about MTC Opportunity Hub, please see their website https://www.mtcaustralia.com.au/youth/opportunity-hub/

Michelle Lemeki - Aboriginal Education Support