Volume 35 Issue 05 - 4 May 2023

History Club - Anzac Service at Carrington Care, Camden

Camden RSL invited the History Club to participate in the Carrington Care Anzac Day service. This was held the day before Anzac Day and was in front of the main building and livestreamed to the residents.

Eleven of our History CLub members attended: Abigail B, Ava C, Jorja G, Karli G, Emily M, Lillian M, Isabelle S, Gabrielle V, Bianca W, Bronwyn Z and Laura Z. 

Our students wore replica and authentic military nursing costumes ranging from World War I to the 1980s. Emily M, Laura Z, Gabrielle V, Ava C and Isabelle S read out prayers and Bronwyn Z did the commemorative address. Bronwyn spoke about the history of Camden's contribution to World War I and the role of war nurses.

The students had the opportunity to also look at the historic Carrington buildings which were established in 1890. We were fortunate to be allowed inside the main building to look at historic photos of Carrington over its history including viewing the sculpture of William Henry Paling (of music publishing fame) who generously donated the land for Carrington.

Fran Musico Rullo - HSIE Teacher and History Club Coordinator