Volume 35 Issue 04 - 31 March 2023

Year 10 Minimum Standards 2023

Reading, writing and numeracy — skills for everyday life

The HSC minimum standard has been introduced to ensure students have the reading, writing and numeracy skills needed for everyday life, work and further study.

Students need to meet the HSC minimum standard to receive the HSC. To show they meet this standard, students need to achieve Level 3 in short online reading, writing and numeracy tests.

The introduction of the Higher School Certificate (HSC) minimum standard policy by the NSW Education Standards Authority means students in NSW need to demonstrate a minimum standard of literacy and numeracy to receive their Higher School Certificate (HSC) credential.

Students will sit the HSC minimum standard tests in the three domains of reading, writing and numeracy. Each online test is 45 minutes in length and is structured as follows:

  • a multiple-choice test for reading;
  • a multiple-choice test for numeracy; and ∙
  • a test for writing (up to 500 words) based on a written or visual prompt.

Students need to achieve a Level 3 or 4 in all three testing domains to achieve the HSC minimum standard. This means that students who demonstrate the standard have the basic functional skills used in everyday life, for work and further study.

Students have multiple opportunities each year to sit these online tests, from Year 10 until the end of Year 12. There are waiting periods between re-attempting each test. Students will be supported by the school to meet the HSC minimum standard.

There are practice tests available at school and demonstration questions online on the NESA website: educationstandards.nsw.edu.au/wps/portal/nesa/11-12/hsc/hsc-minimum-standard/online-tests.

Follow this link to an informaiton sheet provided to students.

Please contact the College if you would like more information (dbourne@saintpatricks.nsw.edu.au).

Debra Bourne - Assistant Principal, Learning and Teaching