Volume 35 Issue 02 - 3 March 2023

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends of St Patrick’s College

We have had a busy few weeks since our last edition. Ash Wednesday, Swimming Carnival, Open Day, Year 7 Camp, Year 10 Retreat, Parent Workshops and SRC Induction. Next week, we have Year 5 Workshops, International Women’s Day Breakfast, then the first Middle School Dance and the Emerald Gala Ball. I know all the staff involved in these activities are very active in ensuring all are informative, interesting and very worthwhile for the girls, parents and guests.

Open Day had one of our strongest registrations, with many families coming through to experience the culture and atmosphere at the College. The 200 girls who volunteered to be guides and participants at the displays were exceptional. Parents were very complimentary of the girls and the staff, who were all very accommodating and welcoming. If you have a Year 5 daughter or know of someone who may be considering St Patricks, please ensure you lodge the enrolment application over the next few weeks to avoid disappointment.

We hosted the Year 9 Parent Workshop on 23 February. Feedback from the participants included:

I love the way that all staff are on the same page about lifting the girls up to be strong, grounded and independent young women.

I thought it was very helpful.

I thought it was great.

Almost all those who attended would recommend it to other parents.

We have the Year 7 Parent Workshop on Thursday 30 March and the Year 8 Parent Workshop on Wednesday 17 May. Both start at 9.00am in the Benedict Centre. I warmly invite you to attend.

During the week, you would have received the letter from Paul Colyer, Chair of the St Patrick’s College Board, informing you of my retirement at the end of the year. Coming to the decision to finish at St Patrick’s was a very difficult one to make. Having been at the College for 16 years, I feel very much part of a community that is almost like family. Our girls, our parents and staff, and the wider community of friends have contributed to create a school that is in every sense of the word a Benedictine community. There have been challenges and difficulties over the years, but also great joy and celebration which are all typical of a community that is alive and connected. Leaving is going to be very difficult as the College has been a very large part of my life and, because of that, my life has been enriched and blessed. It is now time for me to make space for some new adventures and opportunities. In leaving, it means that another leader has the privilege to experience this very special place and grow as I have in their leadership and ability to make a positive difference in the lives of the people. I thank you for the many best wishes and I will savour every day to the end of the year.

I will leave you with a short quote from Izaak Walton:

‘God has two dwellings; one in heaven, and the other in a meek and thankful heart’

Sue Lennox - Principal