Volume 35 issue 01 - 10 February 2023

Year of Love of Neighbour

The Benedictine value we are focussing on this year is LOVE OF NEIGHBOUR through the lens of HUMILITY and CONVERSATIO. This year provides an opportunity to stop and ponder our connectedness to all of humanity, whose longings and desires are just as simple and profound as our own. 

Our Year of love of neighbour brings into focus Jesus’ concept of having a family-like relationship to all we meet and encounter, even those we are tempted to ignore, be rude to or dismiss. Living as neighbours challenges us to not just look but to see ‘the other’ and to live with hearts that welcome the stranger and shatter all barriers. 

Through the lens of humility, humble people are cooperative rather than competitive. They make space for others and experience genuine empathy with them. They have the capacity to recognise and admire the gifts of others, as well their own and they are willing to be at the service of the community and beyond. 

Conversatio is a commitment to engage in practices that over a lifetime bring about conversion into the likeness of Jesus and in particular, Jesus’ giving of self for others.

Through the lens of humility and conversatio we are challenged to open and grow in relationship and awareness to explore what it looks like to be in right relationship with God and with all, including the Earth, as we respond to the call to love our neighbour. 

14 February - 10.1 start their Community Service
17 February - Year 7 Reflection Day
22 February - Ash Wednesday Liturgy

Joel Duval - Mission Coordinator