Volume 34 issue 18 - 18 November 2022

Returning overdue books

Students are encouraged to check library item return dates....are there books due (or overdue) for return?

Return overdue library items now...please!

A quick but important message from the College Library - all Library books borrowed last term and any books borrowed in the first few weeks of this term are now due for return. The exceptions to this are textbooks that are still being used for course work. Overdue books not returned by Friday 2 December will incur a replacement fee. Due dates and student library records can be accessed via the Library catalogue 
1. Click 'login' at the top of the page, then click on the blue bar
2. Click on 'My Stuff'
3. Choose 'Checkouts' to view items currently on loan

Note: Due dates are presented in MM/DD/YY format.

We encourage students to contact the Library if they have any concerns or questions. Students can return their items in the chute located outside the Library.

The College Library