Volume 34 issue 18 - 18 November 2022

Advent: A Season of Hope and Seeking God

Advent means waiting or coming and the liturgical colour for Advent is violet, a royal purple that symbolises the Kingdom of God. Advent then is a period of waiting, of spiritual anticipation, preparation and longing for the coming of Christ and the Kingdom of God.  In this sense, Advent is a season of hope, faith, joy and peace, reflected in the lighting of the three purple and one pink candle in the Advent Wreath. These candles are lit on each of the four Sundays of Advent commencing this year on 27 November.

It is a time when we as Catholic Christians should consider the world and society around us and how we can experience the "nourishment" and "hospitality" of God for a better future. How we can be the change and hope that the world needs. In 2022 there are so many examples of suffering or an absence of peace where God is needed. We can certainly pray for peace with hope in this coming season of waiting but we need to do this in partnership with God being active in the process. The issues in our world are large and can seem too overwhelming to change. We can do our own small bit to help and be neighbour to those in need of peace. 

Louise Barry - Religious Studies Coordinator