Volume 34 issue 17 - 4 November 2022

Displays @ the Library

The world seems to be in constant conflict at the moment, yet it is sometimes difficult to know what to believe.

As students, sourcing the correct information is essential for your research but, at times, this can be harder than it looks. How do we differentiate between the truth and 'Fake News'?

What is Fake News?

The Library currently has a display on the front windows that explains exactly what Fake News is and how to spot it. Fake News can take on various forms and is not always obvious so we've given you some tips on what to look for.

The display also looks at the conflict between Ukraine and Russia, the facts as we know them and some very powerful images. There are also some snippets of information: can you weed out which ones are true and which are fake?

Although the Ukraine/Russian war is front and centre in our news, there are many other conflicts currently happening around the globe, with most having started quite some time ago. These are also mentioned within our display.

The College Library