Volume 34 issue 12 - 12 August 2022

Year 11 Leadership Retreat

This week, the 2023 Student Leadership Team had the privilege of travelling to Mount Carmel Retreat Centre for our Leadership Retreat. This retreat was an opportunity for us to reflect on our role descriptions, and begin brainstorming and planning our new ideas and initiatives.

Our retreat consisted of acknowledging what it means to be a leader and the qualities of a good leader, as well as how these qualities can be used effectively within our roles. We participated in activities that taught us how to work in an effective team and how we can work together to reach our goals. Additionally, we had the opportunity to interact with our supporting teachers to share our vision of what we want to achieve throughout our leadership at the College.

After reflecting on articles, presentations and videos surrounding leadership, our team decided on a phrase that resonated with us and will act as our leadership motto for the coming year: “She lifts her up”. The meaning of this motto encompasses the idea of working together as leaders of the College community, to lift up and support the overall academic, mental and physical welfare of the students and encourage participation in all aspects of College life.

We want to thank Mrs Wright, Mrs Conti and Ms Glase for organising and joining us on our retreat, but also to our supporting teachers, Ms Lennox, Dr Bourne, Mr Ashcroft, and Mr Gattone. We look forward to stepping into our new roles and working closely with the teachers and students of our College community.

The Year 11 Leadership Team