Volume 34 issue 11 - 29 July 2022

Prophetic Voices here at St Patrick's

In the Inside Out of 17 June, it was reported that our St Patrick’s community was participating in a Prophetic Voices Project as our contribution to this year’s Good Samaritan Education Triennial Conference which was held last weekend from Friday 22 July to Sunday 24 July.

Prophetic Voices here at St Patrick's

On Friday 22 July, four of our Year 11 students, Monique R, Millie E-D, Kaleena H and Charlotte T, delivered the results of their discussions and research for their Prophetic Voices Project to the other gathered students from the various Good Samaritan Colleges. Student representatives from each College were required to deliver their “pitch” so as to encourage the other schools to take on the same project. Monique, Millie, Kaleena, and Charlotte passionately advocated for their idea to create a picture story book which aimed to educate school aged students about Aboriginal Spiritualities and Culture. The aim of the book is to help to create a more positive and hopeful narrative about Aboriginal life into the future, furthering the cause of reconciliation.

Charlotte, Kaleena, Millie, and Monique did St Pat’s proud by confidently and enthusiastically advocating for the advancement of a better life for Australia’s First Nation's peoples. This approach reflected this year's theme of NAIDOC week: “Get up, Stand up, Show up”, which encourages Aboriginal Peoples to be active, involved and engaged in the work of creating a better, more hopeful future.

Millie, Charlotte, Monique, and Kaleena are to be highly praised for the way they so ably represented our College. They engaged respectfully with the students from the other Colleges and their adult supervisors commented on their passion and eloquence for what they were presenting.

Angelo Gattone - Mission Coordinator