Volume 34 issue 11 - 29 July 2022

Celebrating Benedict Day 2022

This year, our Benedict Day celebrations took place on Friday 1 July. For our St Patrick’s community, Benedict Day celebrates our connection with St Benedict and the Sisters of the Good Samaritan.

We are a Benedictine community and, as such, it is appropriate that we celebrate our faith with the celebration of the Eucharist. The Benedictine values we are focused on this year are lectio divina through the lens of obedience and discipline. Lectio divina is a Latin phrase meaning “sacred reading”—that is, lectio divina is a special way of reading and praying the Bible and this is why this year is for us our Year of Prayer.

In our honouring of St Benedict, we acknowledge that his influence has had a significant impact on our College. St Benedict teaches us how to be a Christ-centred community which is focused on the Word of God recorded in the Scriptures. With our focus this year on lectio divina, we are carrying on St Benedict’s love of the Word of God in the Bible. The complementary Benedictine values of discipline and obedience tie in well with the practice of lectio divina and our Year of Prayer. Prayer is essentially a connection with God through conversation and listening. Obedience begins with listening. Once we have listened, we act appropriately. Appropriate action involves discipline—which is the ability to act upon what we have heard in our listening.

Benedict Day is also an opportunity to fundraise for the work that the Sisters of the Good Samaritan of the Order of St Benedict do, both in Australia and overseas. Our collective fundraising efforts on Benedict Day are offered to the Good Samaritan Foundation which oversees the many good works the Sisters do to bring hope and compassion to so many disadvantaged people. We continue to ask God to bless the work of the Sisters of the Good Samaritan.

Angelo Gattone - Mission Coordinator