Volume 34 issue 10 - 1 July 2022

Japanese Language Day 2022 – 日本ぶんかさい

On Friday 24 June, all Year 8 students and Year 9 Elective Japanese students participated in a Japanese Language Day. The day gave students the opportunity to be immersed in Japanese language and culture with a variety of activities including Taiko Drumming, Sumo Wrestling, Japanese Food and Koinobori Kite painting.

Students in Year 8 have been learning Japanese for two terms and their progress in the language has been excellent. The day was an important learning experience in giving an opportunity to experience more of the Japanese culture. The day was a great success. Thanks go to the Year 9 Japanese Elective classes and Mr Tony Burden for their support.

We look forward to offering students more experiences in using their Japanese in the coming semester.

Julian Nash - LOTE Coordinator