Volume 34 issue 09 - 17 June 2022


Attitude is Everything

The attitude you bring influences your thoughts and actions and the approach you then take to your learning. Your attitude will affect how much time you put into your schoolwork, how you manage challenges, and ultimately your path to achieving your personal academic best.

Developing effective study habits

Take the time to determine reasons to put in effort into your schoolwork.

 Think about which of the following reasons might be motivating for you:

 To achieve the best marks you are capable of at school.

  • To give you lots of options for what subjects you can choose in the senior years.
  • To give you lots of options of what you can choose to do when you leave school.
  • To have a personal sense of satisfaction about doing your best.

Understanding what motivates you and what affects your attitude can make it easier for you to make positive changes.