Volume 34 issue 08 - 3 June 2022

Mission Report

Our St Patrick’s community is involved in a number of pursuits which involve spiritual formation and outreach to the local community.

Retreats are times of reflection and slowing down so as to re-treat (see in a new way) life and its joys and challenges.
This year’s Year 12 group entered into their final Retreat experience with one hundred percent commitment and much enthusiasm. They participated fully in each of the activities which collectively explored the theme of love of God, love of neighbour, and love of self, based on a passage from John’s gospel. It is hoped that the lasting memories of this experience reminds the 2022 Year 12 cohort of the value in taking time out to reflect on life and to “re-treat” from time to time.

After a long time of not being able to be sent out into the local community, the Year 10 girls are back on track with their Community Service obligations. They have been following a school-based program in the meantime. The school-based program has mostly been focused on awareness raising about social justice issues such as pollution and care for the environment. For one of the weeks, the Year 10 Community Service girls did a clean up of the College grounds. They did this with enthusiasm and a real sense of service.

In preparation for their going into the community, the girls were informed that 90% of their effort while on Community Service is to simply be present. That is, their very presence is what is of most value to the people they serve. If they then can do something constructive as well, then that makes up the remaining 10%.
We wish the Year 10 Community Service participants well for this term and into the following two terms as they resume being of service within the local communities of Campbelltown and Camden.

The St Patrick’s College Social Justice Group, led by Benedict Captain, Grace K, has been active and busy attending to a number of issues. One main issue is care for the environment and the pursuit of the Benedictine value of stewardship. All Good Samaritan communities have been invited to participate in the Laudato Si Action Plan. “Laudato Si” is the title of the document Pope Francis has written which addresses the urgent need for all people to care for the environment. Hence Pope Francis has subtitled his document “Care for our common home”. We as the St Pat’s community have committed to undertaking the first stage of a seven year program during which we will progressively increase our strategies for caring for God’s creation. To remind us of this pledge, we will use the words from the popular song: “From little things, big things grow.” This helps us to understand that every little bit of effort helps and that with lots and lots of little efforts, big things will be possible.

Angelo Gattone - Mission Coordinator