Volume 34 issue 07 - 20 May 2022

ReachOut Students: 4 steps for coping with changing friendships

ReachOut is an online mental health service for young people and their parents in Australia. They provide self-help information, peer-support programs and referral tools aimed at helping young people be well and stay well. In this article, ReachOut explore how young people manage changing friendships.
Source: 4 steps for coping with changing friendships


While it’s normal for friendships to change over time, it can still be hard to adjust. We chatted to some young people in our ReachOut Online Community to understand how they manage changing friendships. Reading about other's stories and tips will help students feel less alone and more capable of coping with shifts in their own relationships. Their top four tips are:

1. Give it some time
2. Try to see the situation from a different point of view
3. Talk about how you’re feeling
4. Be open to meeting new people

Follow this link to read the full article.