Volume 34 issue 04 - 25 March 2022

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends of St Patrick’s College

Sue Lennox - Principal

One of the strengths of St Patrick's College is its diversity. In this community, we have diversity in religious traditions, diversity in culture and diversity in ethnicity. We have a number of different cultures that make up our community. These include girls from Pacific Nations, New Zealand, Philippines, and Britain.  

Throughout my time at the College, we have worked tirelessly to make the community a safe place for all girls so that they can grow and develop to become the best person they can.

All organisations need to be vigilant to ensure they continue to remain focused on this goal. At times we can get it right and other times we find the need to improve. The important thing is that we continue work on being true to our ultimate goal of creating a safe, supportive and respectful environment.

Recently we received some information that would suggest some of the systems and protocols we have in place need refinement. This is distressing for the students, the families and the College and invariably it is the students who would suffer as a result. Having spoken with students, family members and staff, it appears there are things we can continue to improve on. In particular, that the College is informed of a situation of concern, at the time it is occurring.

We are committed to working on these areas so that we continue to do the best for the girls. I have attached a link to our Personal Protection and Respect Policy -(click here) and the Anti Racism Policy - (click here). I invite you to view these policies, refer to them when you need and offer feedback if required.

We want to work closely with parents as we firmly believe in our partnership and value our work together in supporting your daughter. Similarly, it is crucial that the girls have the confidence to share their concerns with their Year Coordinator or a teacher they trust. It is very difficult to intervene and change a situation if the College is not aware. We will put a few structures in place to better facilitate this over the coming weeks but please approach the College and allow us to resolve any difficult or challenging situations so that your daughter feels she is included and safe in the community.

The College does not tolerant nor condone bullying or racist behaviour and given our diversity, it would be the one type of behaviour that would erode the quality of inclusion we have at St Pat’s that all hold dear and a value that would be lost. Please help us to maintain this value. I encourage you to contact the College if this triggers any comment or concern for you or your daughter.

Whilst Harmony Day was earlier in the week, we will celebrate it in the coming week. I think now more than ever we need to join as one community in celebrating our diversity as well as the common connection we have with each other. More information on Harmony Day will follow.

Next Monday, we will be hosting the Parents and Friends AGM. All positions will be up for election. The evening will begin at 7pm in the Benedict Centre. The different roles are included in this edition of the Inside Out. If you would like to join us and meet the current executive or would like to assist in some way, please feel welcome to join us on Monday 28 March 2022 at 7pm.

I will leave you with a prayer taken from Liwara Catholic Primary School, WA for Harmony Day, please see attached.


Sue Lennox - Principal