Volume 34 issue 03 - 11 March 2022

World Day of Prayer

On Friday 4 March seven senior St Pat’s students, Layla E, Tara G, Olivia L, Sandrine M, Monique R, Alana R and Tavara S represented the College at the Annual World Day of Prayer which was hosted this year by the Campbelltown Church of Christ community.

Each year the theme of this ecumenical prayer service highlights the experiences of women throughout the world with a focus on a specific part of the world. This year prayers were offered for the women of England, Wales, and Northern Ireland. The experiences of three women formed the main part of the prayer service. Theirs were stories of bravery, resilience, forgiveness, and support.

The Scripture reading of the day was taken from the Book of the Prophet Jeremiah (29:1-14). Senior Pastor, Ryan Graham, spoke eloquently about this Scripture passage which includes the words, “For surely I know the plans I have for you, says the Lord, plans for your welfare and not for harm, to give you a future with hope.” Pastor Graham broke open the Word by talking about the “present purpose” the exiled Jewish people were expected to have in order to make the best of their situation. Present purpose requires total faith and trust in God whose purposes for us are for all that is good and true.

Interestingly, the rest of this Scripture passage links perfectly to our Year of Prayer. The Lord says, “When you call upon me and come and pray to me, I will hear you. When you search for me, you will find me; if you seek me with all your heart, I will let you find me.” (Jer. 29:13-14) Clearly, prayer is a seeking for God in our lives in order to live in right relationship with God.

The senior girls represented our College with pride, and they exercised the Benedictine value of hospitality by taking on the role of welcomers as participants arrived as well as helping to serve morning tea at the conclusion of the service. Their presence was much appreciated, and our girls received high praise for the way they entered into the prayer.

The World Day of Prayer is an annual event that takes place on the first Friday in March.

Angelo Gattone - Mission Coordinator