Volume 34 issue 02 - 25 February 2022

Year 7 Reflection Day

A Reflection Day is an opportunity for a whole year group to gather for a day of prayer, discussion, reflection and sharing.

On Friday 18 February the Year 7 girls gathered in the MSC to experience their first Reflection Day at St Patrick’s College. The Reflection Day Program aims to build up the year group’s cohesion and to introduce them to our College’s values and prayer life.

In the morning session, five Year 11 girls spoke to Year 7 about their memories of starting high school at St Pat’s and, through the use of symbols, they talked about and shared the many experiences and learnings they have had so far along their St Pat’s journey. Thanks is extended to Abbey C, Mia C, Jeanne O, Monique R, and Emily R for their input from which the Year 7 girls gained many insights. For the first time, some Year 11 students were invited to help facilitate the small group activities and their presence on the day was much appreciated by the Year 7 girls. A sincere vote of thanks is extended to Abbey C, Georgia C, Merinda F, Monique R, Emily R, and Prapti S who paired up to be small group leaders for three of the groups. These Year 11 girls engaged well with the small groups they led and did a marvellous job in executing their role as small group facilitators. Through a variety of activities, the Year 7 girls reflected on their own values, Gospel values, and our Benedictine values. They also spent time in prayer and meditation.

These are some of the comments the Year 7 girls wrote when they were asked to evaluate their Reflection Day:

“I enjoyed all of the day’s activities as they taught me more about others as well as myself, and I learnt some good lessons.” (Paige C)

“I enjoyed the Reflection Day because we got to listen to other people’s stories, and it was really good meeting new people at the same time.” (Patressa A)

“The meditation was calming, the small groups were fun, and the jar artwork helped me find what I value most.” (Maddison D)

“I feel more open towards others, I feel more comfortable around my friends, and I understand what reflecting means.” (Ella K)

“Prayer and meditation were my favourite activities because they gave me time to really reflect on this year and think of all the things I have done.” (Gabriella V)

A big thank you is also extended to the Year 7 Pastoral Team who helped to facilitate the day: Emma Randell, Kirrily Cousins, Abbey Stapley, Michelle Parker, Tanya Robertson, Danielle Wilson, and Christine Lahood.

Angelo Gattone - Mission Coordinator