Volume 34 issue 01 - 11 February 2022


Are you a ‘carrot’ or a ‘stick’ person?

This may seem a funny question but bear with me for a moment.

Are you a carrot or a stick?

Are you motivated by the reward of getting great results (the carrot) or by the pain of the hard slog of last minute submissions and disappointing results due to not enough preparation (the stick)? Knowing your personality can help you develop great study habits and gain terrific results.

The concept comes from the idea that to make a donkey move forward, you can either tempt it with a carrot (a reward) or threaten it with a stick (a punishment). Of course we aren’t donkeys but the same rules apply.

You are more likely to be a ‘carrot’ person if you focus on your goals, make lists and plans, enjoy the feeling of achieving well and can visualise your goals.

You are more likely to be a ‘stick’ person if you leave things until the last minute, procrastinate, don’t plan, and avoid the work that is needed to get the good results.

It’s not hard to change from that stick to the carrot. Speak to your parents and set goals together. Perhaps you can negotiate some rewards such as a movie night for improved grades. Speak to fellow ‘Carrots’ and ask what helps them. Perhaps you can organise some sessions where you can help each other with setting up positive habits and structures.

Remember, the change can happen, but no-one can do it but you.

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