Volume 33 Issue 03 - 12 March 2021

Fasting in 2021

The last issue of the Faith Feed explained the Liturgical Season of Lent which has its climax in Holy Week, the most important time in the Church. Fasting is essential during Lent but over the years the rules and interpretation of fasting have changed and evolved.

In terms of fasting on Fridays during Lent there is more flexibility as fasting is viewed as a form of penance. This means, as Catholics, we show that we repent or are sorry for our sins through action. This brings us closer to God. Therefore, on all other Fridays of Lent, the law of the common practice of penance is fulfilled by performing any one of the following:

(a) prayer – for example, Mass attendance; family prayer; a visit to a church or chapel; reading the Bible; making the Stations of the Cross; praying the Rosary.

(b) self-denial – for example, not eating meat; not eating sweets or dessert; giving up entertainment to spend time with the family; limiting food and drink so as to give to the poor of one’s own country.

(c) helping others – for example, special attention to someone who is poor, sick, elderly, lonely or overburdened.

Pope Francis has provided these suggestions for fasting in 2021:

Louise East - Religious Studies Coordinator