Volume 31 Issue 3 - 8 March 2019

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends of St Patrick’s College

Sue Lennox - Principal

International Women's Day 
Yesterday morning we hosted our annual International Women’s Day breakfast. Two of our ex-students spoke at the event. Dr Joanna Winchester and Baylie Trostian shared their experiences since leaving the College and gave some insightful words of wisdom to the gathered audience. We don’t often allow ourselves the opportunity to listen to other women and reflect on the messages they deliver. This morning was one of those nurturing opportunities where we walked away feeling empowered and hopeful of the future of women and our society. The unifying thread throughout their presentations was the impact and influence the College had on their lives and their futures. Their reflections confirm for those of us, currently at the College, of the ongoing importance of our work and the seeds that are planted in the day to day.  As Joanna said in her presentation, we need to give the girls a voice, but they need to be able to listen with their ears and their hearts. Otherwise it is just a lot of people making a lot of noise. This action of speaking, hearing and listening is the foundation of a well loved and often quoted Benedictine value to “Listen with the Ear of your Heart”.

Parent Forums
Through the week we hosted the first of the parent forums for the semester. Thank you to those parents who were able to attend the Senior School Parent Forum on Tuesday. It is always a casual gathering of parents and a good opportunity for parents to meet each other and raise issues if they wish. We also try to provide some broader information which we believe parents will find interesting. Next Tuesday will be the Middle School Parent Forum. An agenda has been sent out via email and I encourage you to attend if you are able. The minutes of both meetings will be sent out in the following week.

Year 7 Camp and Year 10 Retreat
This week the Year 7 girls attended camp and the Year 10 girls attended their retreat. Both had an overnight experience with a program that was organised and delivered by the staff. I believe both events were very successful with students gaining valuable skills and experiences. I thank the staff for their work in supporting these events as we would not be able to offer them without their support.

Child Protection
You will have heard in the media lately the outcome of the court case concerning Cardinal George Pell. As there are further legal actions pending it would be inappropriate to make any comment about this case. There has been deeply disturbing revelations of abuse and a neglect of care amongst those in positions of responsibility across a number of institutions. For the Catholic Church this has been profoundly felt by the faithful resulting in the erosion of trust and credibility. As a College, discharged with the duty of educating young people, our obligations to ensure their safety and protection is paramount. We have policies and protocols in place that ensure there is appropriate action should there be any suspicion of risk to a student. Similarly, if our girls feel at risk or have concerns about any behaviours at the College, we urge them to inform you or their Year Coordinator immediately. Every disclosure is treated with utmost respect for the child and treated in accordance with our policies. We are all aware we need to be constantly vigilant when it comes to child protection.

Emerald Gala Ball
During the next fortnight we will hold the Emerald Gala Ball. It is our only fundraiser and the money raised goes exclusively to the scholarship fund. If you haven’t purchased your tickets, I suggest you do so quickly. It is always a great night and you will be supporting a great cause.

I will leave you with a short reflection on women as we celebrate International Women's Day today. Thanking all the women in our lives for their support, guidance and role modelling over the years.


Sue Lennox - Principal 

Today we honour women of all times and places:
Women of courage
Women of hope
Women of suffering
Women of mourning
Women living fully
Women experiencing joy
Women delighting in life
Women giving life
Women knowing the interconnectedness of the human family
Women promoting human flourishing
Women boldly leading the transformation on unjust global structures
Women seeking and sharing wisdom
Women seeking and sharing love.
We thank you God for them all. 

(Source: Caritas Australia)