Volume 31 Issue 15 - 25 October 2019

Study Skills Tip For October Managing Anxiety During Exams

If you are someone who freezes or has a mental blank during an exam or is overly anxious, you may find that the heightened anxiety is reducing your ability to recall.

Study skills to assist in managing your exam stress

Remember that being as prepared as possible and not leaving your study until the last minute can make a big difference in reducing anxiety. Start your study early and make a plan so that you have time to study what you need to without stress. It is also important to note that the more practice tests you do, the more familiar you are with the test so it will be less intimidating and you will be used to working under time limits.

When you are in the exam, if you feel anxious, a good strategy is to close your eyes for a moment and take some long, deep breaths. When you open your eyes do some of the questions you find easy or feel confident about. Meanwhile, your subconscious will have a chance to recall the things you are struggling to remember. Another trick is to try moving your eyes to different directions, ie looking up and to the left etc. This can also sometimes prompt recall.

You can also visit the MANAGING STRESS unit in the online Study Skills Handbook for more strategies.

You could also seek help from our College Counsellor for techniques on how to manage stress.

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