Volume 31 Issue 1 - 8 February 2019

Safer Internet Day

Tuesday 5 February 2019 was Safer Internet Day and St Patrick's supported the day and made it our focus during Pastoral lessons. Safer Internet Day raises awareness about the positive role of digital technology and explores ways we can all contribute to creating a better, safer internet.

Year 7 Students taking part in Safer Internet Day
Coordinated by the Office of the eSafety Commissioner in Australia and celebrated in over 130 countries, this year’s Safer Internet Day theme is ‘Together for a better internet’. Parents are encouraged to get involved and support our young people in developing the critical skills required to successfully navigate the online world. These skills take time to develop but they can help us in all areas of life - online and off.
Respect - I treat myself and others the way I like to be treated
Responsibility - I am accountable for my actions and I take a stand when I feel something is wrong
Reasoning - I question what is real
Resilience - I get back up from tough situations
From the Pastoral Team