Volume 30 Issue 12 - 10 August 2018

CSDA Debating Grand Final

An outstanding end to a wonderful season is the best way to describe the Grand Final at Bede Polding Windsor on Friday 3 August.

2018 Debaters

The Year 9 team (Amadee, Angelina, and Siana) fought hard against Santa Sabina, arguing the affirmative case for the topic “That imagination is more important than knowledge.” After a close battle, they were awarded runners up for the 2018 season, along with Chantelle who stepped in on more than one occasion. The Year 9 team reflected well on themselves, their school and their families. Congratulations girls. We are all very proud of you.

The accolades did not end there. During the CSDA presentations it was revealed that we won the Aggregate Shield, which records the most number of wins in the rounds, so each and every debater can be justly proud of this significant achievement from the 2018 season. Thank you to all the families who support the girls’ initiative and passion for debating: they are building skills which will undoubtedly benefit them in their lives beyond school.

Marguerite Pulham - Debating/Public Speaking Coordinator