Volume 29 Issue 2 - 24 February 2017

Lent: A Time to Reflect and Find Balance

This year Ash Wednesday falls on 1 March, which marks the beginning of Lent. “Lent” is the Old English word for “springtime”. Referring to this time of the Church year as Lent (or springtime) makes sense for the northern hemisphere as for us in Australia the first of March marks the beginning of autumn.

Springtime is an appropriate metaphor to apply to the coming of Easter. Spring is the season of new life, growth and rebirth—all of which relate to the story of Easter and the Resurrection of Jesus from the dead. As a time of preparation, Lent is an opportunity for us to take stock of our lives and deliberately reflect on what we do and who we are.

Please join us for our Ash Wednesday prayer service on 1 March, commencing at 9.00am, in the MSC.

Angelo Gattone - Mission Coordinator