Volume 31 Issue 6 - 10 May 2019

Easter Celebrations

Easter Sunday this year occurred in the middle of the school holidays and because of this, at the end of the school day on the last day of Term One, the St Patrick’s College community paused for prayer and reflection on the events and meaning of Holy Week.

It was thought to be appropriate to send our girls into the holiday break with an opportunity to contemplate what the holiest week of the Christian calendar celebrates, especially during Holy Thursday, Good Friday, and Holy Saturday. The prayer service was conducted in individual classrooms so as to create a more intimate atmosphere.  It was also decided that an effective way to present a prayerful reflection of Holy Week was to invite all of the Year 12 girls to lead the prayer. This they did with enthusiasm, great care, and appropriate reverence. It is important for our girls to be given opportunities to minister to each other and this event proved to be an effective example of faith sharing amongst peers. The College community extends its thanks to the Year 12 girls for having taken up this challenge and for facilitating it so smoothly.

Since Easter had occurred during the school holiday, upon our return to Term Two, the College community gathered in the MSC to celebrate the joy and wonder of the resurrection. We proclaimed with great joy that:

“Christ is risen! Alleluia!”
“Alleluia” is the Christian proclamation of great joy!
Alleluia says: “Yes, the job is done!”
Alleluia says: “Victory to our God!”
Alleluia says: “Yes, the promises have come true!”
Alleluia says: “Praise be to God!”
Alleluia says: “ ‘Yes!’ to life!”

The core message of our Easter Liturgy is that we have been granted life and that we may have life in abundance. Let us carry with us the Easter rhythm of dying and rising; the Easter cycle of birth and rebirth; the Easter message of life, hope, and joy!

Angelo Gattone - Mission Coordinator