Volume 31 Issue 4 - 22 March 2019

What is Lent all about?

“Lent” is the Old English word for “springtime”. Lent and Easter occur at the time of the northern hemisphere spring. The timing is self-evident in that spring is the time for rebirth, renewal, and new life—all that is directly connected to Easter which is the Christian celebration of the Resurrection of Jesus. Christianity is founded on the belief that Jesus is the Son of God who became a human being, was crucified, and was then raised to life again.

For such important matters of faith, it is appropriate that Christians devote time and effort into preparing for the holiest of days: Easter Sunday. This is the meaning and purpose of Lent. Lent is a time for preparation, reflection and spiritual renewal. Traditionally, this is done through almsgiving (being charitable to those in need), through prayer (fostering right relationship with God and neighbour), and through fasting (giving up those things in our life which prevent us from being fully human and fully alive).

As a practical means of almsgiving, Lent is also the opportunity for the St Patrick’s community to make donations to Project Compassion. Project Compassion helps to fund the work undertaken by Caritas, the social justice organisation within the Australian Catholic Church which operates in all areas of the world where there is poverty.