Volume 31 Issue 3 - 8 March 2019

Student Representative Council

On Wednesday 26 February the new SRC students for 2019 were presented with their badges by Ms Lennox. Election by the College staff and students' peers into the SRC is a great honour and provides these students with an opportunity to lead and serve not only their respective Pastoral Classes but also the College community. 

These students, through their involvement in all aspects of College life, have displayed the many qualities that are necessary criteria in the effective management of the role.  Such as building relationships and community school spirit, sharing in decisions on school issues, responding to student concerns and needs and bringing about change.

Student Representative Councils give students the skills to create and to implement, to lead and to follow, to learn from mistakes and to succeed. Most importantly, they give students the opportunity to represent the views of their peers, and to succeed in making those views heard.

Through the SRC it is hoped that we develop strong relationships between all members of the College community and at St Patrick's this is always with the Benedictine values that underpin Good Samaritan education - namely, to treat other people with the respect that they deserve which involves the welcoming and accepting of all students and staff members.

Each year, as part of our leadership process we elect three middle school leaders who will work with the senior leaders to ensure the middle school and senior school stay connected and work together for all the students of the College.

Middle School Leaders

Middle School Leader – Community.  This role will work with and support the College Captain, with a focus on promoting and supporting the Middle School and its links with the Senior School and the wider College community - Amelia C

Middle School Leader – Stewardship. This role will work with and support the Scholastica Captain, with a focus on promoting and supporting the co-curricular life of the College – Tavara S

Middle School Leader – PAX. This role will work with and support the Benedictine Captain, with a focus on promoting and supporting social justice and liturgical life of the College – Molly Q

As a school community we wish them well in their role and look forward to the initiatives and changes they bring to the College in 2019.

Karen Wright - Assistant Princpal Students