Volume 31 Issue 10 - 5 July 2019

BYOD Use at Home

The College Bring Your Own Device (BYOD) program is important in facilitating real-time access to digital learning resources, educational software and collaborative workspaces at school and at home. The BYOD program requires that parents and schools work together in educating students in appropriate technology use. 

The College has an extensive pastoral program that includes education in appropriate use of technology.

Tablets, laptops and smartphones, being personal devices, have changed the way our students are using technology. Personal devices are often used out-of-sight and their use is not easily ‘seen’. It is important that behavioural boundaries established by a parent or guardian extend to digital technology use.  Setting limits by giving clear directions for what you expect is an important part of your daughter’s development.

The College has prepared some advice for families to guide them in establishing positive routines outside of school time for digital technologies. The document lists the apps that are managed and pushed to iPads in Years 7 and 8, as well as advice in establishing boundaries around digital technology used at home. In addition, the document lists several resources that offer good information about children's use of technology. 

Access the BYOD use at home advice to families here.