Volume 30 Issue 5 - 28 March 2018

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends of St Patrick’s College

Sue Lennox - Principal

It is hard to believe that we are coming up to Easter. The girls have been working hard and I imagine that many will be looking forward to the break ahead. Assessments are coming to a close and activities are winding up. Give a thought for the teaching staff, who after a long term, will be bringing home assessments to mark, books to mark and programs to write. Hopefully they also will have some time with family and friends over the Easter season.

Each fortnight I meet with the girls in year groups for chapel. The process is that the girls sign their name on a sheet alongside their printed name which indicates they are present. All the rolls are lined up in the chapel foyer. After signing in they come into the chapel. At the end of chapel I take the rolls to the office where the attendance is registered. We appear to have a problem with this system at times. If the girls don’t sign on the sheet the office ladies will send a text to inform you that your daughter is not present. The office ladies are following the information they have been given. On several occasions the office ladies have had to endure some very unhappy parents calling to declare their daughter IS present. The office ladies have been berated and had some very unpleasant and inappropriate comments made to them.

So what do we do here?  The girls know what is expected of them. The person responsible for this mix up is the student who hasn’t followed procedure. Girls are not to ask others to sign them in, they must be responsible for themselves and their own sign in. We are trying to develop independent students who are responsible for their actions. I don’t believe it should be necessary to call out the names of those who are not present to check all have signed in.  Apart from making the girls less accountable, it highlights who is away and it takes time away from more important things. I ask that you impress upon your daughter the importance of signing the sheet at chapel.  I also ask if there has been a mix up, your anger and frustration is saved for the culprit not the messenger.

I recently heard Hugh Mackay speak at a clergy and principals day in Wollongong. He is a social commentator who has some very wonderful insights into people and how we live in communities. He spoke on this occasion about our desire as social animals to live in community. We need each other to feel well and adjusted. He spoke about the increasing fragmentation in communities due to our busyness and higher levels of distraction. A symptom of this disconnect in communities is the epidemic of anxiety across all genders and generations.  His advice to all present is to build communities of compassion. Where our focus moves from ourselves to our interactions with others. He suggested that we act compassionately because others are in need and we can help. It was an inspirationally address and I recommend his book “Beyond Belief” as food for thought.

The ISCA Research Report 2017 on Factors Influencing School Choice was recently released. In this report the findings found that parents of children at independent schools have long term goals for their children’s education. They choose independent schools for their faith based environment, the good teachers, educational excellence, good facilities and the supportive and caring environment. They also believe their child will receive the  individual attention that will enable them to flourish.

Overall our parents appreciate that the education of their girls is an investment in their future. That future reflected in their personal and social development. Finally the report indicates that parents have a high level of satisfaction with the personal and educational opportunities the school has for their child. At St Patrick’s we value the opportunity to travel the journey with you as your daughter develops into a young woman ready to leave school. It is very affirming to read this report and see the alignment with much of what the College has to offer. Please let us know if there is anything further we can do for your daughter. We are very open to your feedback and suggestions.

As we come into Easter, I wish you a very happy and holy Easter. Our Year 12 student leaders have been spreading Easter joy to our community, by handing out Easter eggs during homeroom this morning. See photos below. I hope you will be able to participate in one of the many services available across the parishes during the break. We have included in this edition, a beautiful message that Bishop Brian has sent to all schools in the diocese celebrating the Easter message. 


Sue Lennox - Principal