Volume 30 Issue 16 - 26 October 2018

Message from the Acting Principal

Dear Parents and Friends of St Patrick’s College

Sue Lennox - Principal

As we begin a new term it is hard to believe that in eight weeks we will be coming to the end of another school year. When we finished last term, we farewelled the Year 12 group who left with the prospect of the HSC ahead of them – yet here we are now with them already well and truly in the middle of this final stage of their life at St Patrick’s. In that last week there were many special moments for the girls where they were able to reflect on their time at the College and whilst there were lots of smiles (and tears) the message that was constant was how much they had valued their time here, how much they had grown during this time and there was a real sense of gratitude for all the opportunities made available to them. 

Over the holidays we had a number of staff and students who undertook a Good Samaritan immersion experience. We had a morning tea this week with them to talk about their experiences and what they found both interesting and challenging. I am always amazed at the way the girls and staff can adapt so easily to the very different environments and are able to put the needs of others above their own. What stood out for all of them is that the people they met had very little but were happy and we and our society focus on having so much and yet it does not always bring that same level of happiness. Something for us all to think about.

Earlier this week, on Monday 22 October, the Prime Minister Scott Morrison delivered a National Apology to Victims and Survivors of Institutional Child and Sexual Abuse. This apology acknowledged the abuse perpetrated on vulnerable children by the very people who were supposed to care for them, including members of the church. This apology is a significant step in terms of recognition for those who have suffered, as well as a time to acknowledge the healing that will be an ongoing journey for these people. As a Catholic school, it is our prime responsibility to provide a safe and supportive environment for the young people in our care. Let us hope that this apology acts as a moment for us to learn from and move forward together in the healing process.

I leave you with the Prayer of Healing and Hope from Bishop Brian Mascord.


Karen Wright - Acting Principal 


Loving God
We pray for our brothers and sisters
who have been abused within our Church.
We acknowledge their unending strength:
their boldness has been an immense gift.
We pray they find justice, peace and healing.
We pray for our community:
that we accept and nurture each other during this time.
Empower us to be a positive
and supportive force within society.
Help us to witness the love of God for all.
Help us to acknowledge and make amends for past wrongs.
Give us the strength to be true advocates for the wronged and vulnerable.
May the grace of God guide us now and always.
We offer this prayer
through Jesus Christ, our Lord.