Volume 29 Issue 9 - 16 June 2017

Message from the Principal

Dear Parents and Friends of St Patrick’s College

Sue Lennox - Principal

We recently held our parent teacher student meetings and it was good to see so many parents use the opportunity to meet teachers and receive feedback on their daughter's progress. It is equally valuable that the girls receive the affirmation they deserve or hear the suggested changes that will bring about a better outcome for them. We have adjusted the configuration several times over the years in an effort to find a model that is most conducive to the busy lifestyle our parents are now managing. The parent attendance percentages were higher on this model, so we are assuming it is a more favourable model for our parents. Please let us know if you continue to have difficulties in attending these important events. The OECD has released the third volume of analysis of 2015 PISA results which focus on student wellbeing as reported by the students. The findings include some very interesting evidence of parental impact on student success. It found that students whose parents reported 'spending time just talking to my child', 'eating the main meal with my child around a table' or 'discussing how well my child is doing at school' regularly were between 22 percent to 39 percent more likely to report high levels of life satisfaction. 'Spending time just talking' is the parental activity that is most frequently and most strongly associated with students' life satisfaction. These same students were also one third to two thirds of a school year ahead in science learning. Given this data, parental involvement in their daughter's education and life experiences continues to have a significant influence on that child's growth and development. I would like to urge those parents who repeatedly do not access this opportunity to meet with their daughter's teachers to contact the College to find a suitable time when a meeting can be held. 

Can I warmly invite you to the College musical, hosted this year at St Gregory's College. The young people have been busy preparing for this wonderful experience and are very keen to display their talents and abilities. Beauty and the Beast has a wonderful score and stage sets which I am sure will delight the audience. Tickets can now be purchased at the door and hopefully we will see you at one of the evening performances. I extend my appreciation to Mrs Sue Dein from St Greg's for her wonderful organisation of this event. It is always a great pleasure to work with the staff and young men at St Greg's on this joint project. 

We are once again hosting the Year 5 and 6 girls primary school STEM Challenge. All the local primary schools will again be invited to compete. Last year, St Thomas More Catholic Primary School won the trophy. It is a very positive experience for our students in assisting on the day and it gives the visitors a good insight into the rigour and fun of an all-girls' challenge. If you would like further information on this, please contact the College. 

Next week, we will hold the subject preferences evening for Year 11 2018. All Year 10 parents and students are required to be present. The girls have gone through a process, up to this point, gaining valuable information on the different courses available in the preliminary and HSC years. Parents will receive information about the HSC credential and the NESA requirements. We will also launch the #class2019spc Facebook page to the girls. Please let Mr Quigley know if it is impossible for you to attend. 

Finally, I would like to welcome you to our NAIDOC assembly on 26 June at 1.30pm. You are also most welcome to the St Benedict Day Mass on 30 June beginning at 10am. Both of these events will celebrate our community and the gifts we have each been given to share. 

I will leave you with a small reflection Catch a Glimpse written by Susan Gardner


Sue Lennox - Principal 

Catch a glimpse of the wonder that is around you
Shout and sing the goodness of what and who you are.

Shout and sing, for the goodness of the one who sent me.
Yes, sent me out to be a light, a true sign of hope and love.

So, in your freedom, I will send you out and you will bring about order and truth.
And your life will be one of freedom; but only in me, and I will teach all to you.
Remember, I am the teacher and the one who loves without end.