Volume 29 Issue 7 -19 May 2017

New Open Learning Areas

This term, Integrated History/English (Connect), Science/Maths (PBL) and PDHPE/Religion (PRI) classes began using the new Open Learning Area. This new space has been in the making for over six months and includes two connecting classrooms (divided by glass sliding doors), two wet areas, two soundproof breakaway/conference rooms for activities such as podcast recording (equipped with television screens), and a multi-screen projection facility.

The area houses a variety of furnishings designed to create an overall learning habitat that caters to the students' preferred choice of learning environment. For example, the desks are whiteboards that enable students to visually brainstorm ideas during group work (also environmentally friendly) and tall desks for those who prefer to stand and/or move whilst working. The ottomans are used by most classes as a gathering place to break open and recap content at the beginning and end of each lesson. When asked to provide their thoughts about their new learning space, students overwhelmingly commented that they liked the modern look, the amount of space and natural light, the whiteboard desks, the conference rooms and the fresh, green colour that reminded them of the outdoors. It is unanimous - the new space is a hit with students and teachers alike!

Wendy McDonald - Class Teacher