Volume 29 Issue 12 - 18 August 2017

Social Justice News

Last semester as a College community we were very successful in raising money and donations to help those less fortunate than ourselves.

2017 Winter Sleep Out


During term 1, our focus was on Caritas’ Project Compassion. We set the target of $1,000 per year group, and whilst the majority of year groups were close to the target, a special mention needs to be made to Year 8 and Year 9 for both raising well over the $1,000. We hope that you will continue to show this level of generosity in all future Lenten appeals as you travel into the senior school.

As a community, in total we raised $6,000 for Project Compassion, which is a wonderful effort made by all, and will go to the families and communities in need around the world.

In term 2, the focus for the Social Justice Council was on the St Vincent de Paul Winter Appeal, and St Pat’s first ever Winter Sleep Out. We heard from Mr Bill George, our local Vinnies representative, who encouraged the whole school to dig deep this winter as we have the luxuries and warmth of our homes, heaters and clothing that many homeless and underprivileged people in our community do not.

These events saw massive success in many ways. The Winter Sleep Out was attended by approximately 60 students and 5 staff members. This event alone raised just over $2,000, which has since been donated to St Vincent de Paul.

On top of this, each homeroom was asked to bring in donations of blankets and clothes to complement the money raised from the Sleep Out. You would have noticed in the classrooms last term that the donations were of an overwhelming number. As a community, our donations were so generous that the Vinnies representative could not fit all of the donations into the collection van.

We know that the support and generosity demonstrated by all of you throughout these events will be extremely appreciated by all the people that are assisted by St Vincent de Paul, and we encourage you all to show the same level of compassion towards all future Winter appeals and social justice events.

Emily W – Social Justice Captain and Ms M Boulatsakos - Teacher