Volume 28 Issue 14 - 9 September 2016

Auburn Gallipoli Mosque Excursion

On Wednesday, 27 July Year 11 visited the Auburn Gallipoli Mosque and ISRA. The focus of the day was the practice of the Five Pillars of Faith.

The visit to the Mosque was a first for many of the grade. Our guide was knowledgeable and engaging, and led us through the mosque whilst explaining the way in which the faith is practised and celebrated in their house of worship.

Our presentation at ISRA was incredibly in-depth and personal, allowing us access to first-hand information and experiences about what it means to be a part of the Islamic religion, especially the practice of the five Pillars: Shahada (creed), Salat (prayer), Zakat (almsgiving), Sawm (fasting) and Hajj (pilgrimage).

The eye-opening experience was extremely beneficial to our understanding of the nature of the Islamic faith. We were all able to take away with us a new perspective that we are willing to share with the rest of the school, our families and our outer community. 

Thank you to the staff that organised the opportunity for our grade, the experience was one that will be remembered. 

Lindsay C - Year 11 Student